Tuesday, February 23, 2010

First post

Well here goes!

My first official blog post, so bear with me...  I suppose I'll just start off with who I am, as a sort of background, so I don't confuse people.  While I've never had much experience with things such as student government or being the leader of a club, I do have quite a lot to say.  I find it way easier to get things out when I'm writing them down rather than talking to someone in person.  This is a problem though, which I do hope I can solve as time goes on.  Just something about being able to backspace and start over is comforting.  It's as if I can pretend I didn't really type it, where as once I've said something, it's gone, out in the world, and there's no backspace button to fix it.  I don't know about you, but it's terrifying to me to risk saying the wrong thing.  Public speaking is not on my list of talents :\  

I'll tell you what is on that list though: Music

Music is the universal language.  Everyone understands it in some way or another. It's also emotional (whether you believe it or not, it is).  There's a reason why people pay so much money to see concerts of their favorite musicians or turn to their ipod for comfort after a long day of work.  We can express ourselves through this art form, and find a friend that "just gets us." If music didn't move people, there wouldn't be millions of song writers, or performers, or tons of equipment invented for it.  And I'm not saying it has to be the sole reason for living, but as humans we rely on our senses to connect with things.  A person can hear a word or melody that triggers an emotion: Happy, sad, lost, envious, angry, excited; you name it.  Even if music doesn't always effect someone's emotions in a really deep way, it can still make you want to dance or tap your foot just because something persuaded you to.  That something (regardless of it it's a big deal or not) is a feeling, and while it might seem silly, it's the truth.

Being a music major in college, I've been able to appreciate the experiences I've had singing in my choir or as a soloist.  Musicians are a "different breed" according to my voice teacher.  We're not as concerned with getting a degree so we can have a better chance at a job or making enough money to afford nice expensive things.  We do this because we love it, because we get excited waking up in the morning knowing we'll be able to make music and feel that awesome connection.

Now that I'm done preaching about music (it is something I'm pretty passionate about), I have some pictures I want to share with you :)









I found these whilst stumbling (http://www.stumbleupon.com)

That's all for today, enjoy!

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