Friday, March 5, 2010


First off I want to apologize for my hiatus! I've been extremely busy with school and such so I haven't had much time to write. I'm back though, and so happy with how things are going in my life right now. Just because I've been so head in the clouds about love recently, I've decided to dedicate this post to that feeling. 

So love is a tricky concept, but then again it's as simple as pie sometimes. And then the fact that it makes people seem somewhat insane is a bit off putting, but we all want it.

My family has had it's ups and downs (mostly downs due to bad luck and such), but if I had grown up differently I'd probably be in a different degree or school, and I would probably have different friends, which I can't bear to think of. My mom and I have always been close, telling each other about our days, confiding in one another, and being there when things get rough. It's odd to some of my friends, but I'm really glad I've been able to know her as well as I do. As far as my other family members, my Dad was never really the most fun, chatty guy, but at crucial points in my life he's given me great words of wisdom that I've never forgotten. My brother is a bit of a different story. We played together when we were little, got along pretty well, until we hit middle/high school, then ehhh... But now that we're older we've started to get along again, and with all he's been through I'm happy to have him in my life still. My grandparents actually lived right downstairs from us my whole life, and there aren't too many kids who can say they got to hang out with theirs anytime they wanted to. I used to go down and watch Nanni's soaps and game shows with her, and she'd always give me an ice cream bar. Poppi was a bit different, he'd offer me sips of beer when I would ask what he was drinking haha! Just thinking about those days makes me smile, and sometimes I wish I could go back and be young again and not have responsibility etc. 

Then there are my friends. Maybe it's because I love being home, but I have a bunch of great friends back in Connecticut. One who sends me cute things in the mail once in awhile, some that I can always hang out with and just share things with, and a bunch who I love to party with. Most of them are pretty far from my school, but we've managed to keep in touch since HS, which I always find impressive haha! Others were acquainted with me, but we didn't really become too close until we graduated and such. Then there are the few that I've lost touch with, but then managed to get back in touch with recently. Don't you love the feeling of rediscovering a friend you hadn't talked to in years, only to pick up where you left off even though you're both older and wiser now? That sense of a fresh start has always been appealing to me. It's like all the issues that tore you apart back then don't really matter, because they were being immature, or you pushed them away without realizing it etc. It's like you both come to terms with the excuse of being young and irresponsible, and you forgive and forget. This is what we call "being an adult," :D In college I've developed some new friendships over the past 3 or 4 years, a couple of which I don't know what I'd do without. I have a best friend here, who just understands me perfectly, and she never flakes out on me when we have plans. We can watch movies or just have a meal and chat and it's so easy talking to her. She's been a great companion to me, and I've been there for her as well. We laugh all the time, love the same kind of humor, and are both pretty interesting people compared to everyone else around us. The best part is when something is serious she listens, and if I need cheering up she's right there helping me out. I have a couple other friends who are a lot of fun and always make me smile when I see them, just because of who they are :) 

Long story short, I love all these people in my life in many different ways. They make me who I am, and I think I've turned out all right so far. I know that sometimes it gets crazy, but again, everyone wants to be loved and love other people. It's in our nature to be that way. Who doesn't want to be so tight with their family that they can turn to them for anything, or have a best friend that gets them more than they get themselves most of the time? I have such wonderful friends and family... I don't think about that enough, but I really do. 

Another important question though, is who doesn't want to feel passion for that one person they connect with the most? The one who'll always want to be around them even when they are acting ridiculous and stubborn, and who won't be afraid to say how they really feel. Everyone is looking for someone special to make them feel like the greatest person in the world. I've been lucky enough to have found someone who I've loved as my best friend first, and then fell in love with when I realized he was way more than that. It's amazing to think that I got my cake and can eat it too, because how perfect is it that the only person I've ever trusted with everything in my life, is the one person I'm so head over heels, sickeningly sweet, in love with? It just makes so much sense when I'm with him, and he's always made me smile and laugh. We've been together for awhile now, but it kind of feels like we're just starting our relationship again. There's that new love vibe, and as silly as I may be, I'm just ecstatic about it. Knowing that someone out there is as in love with me as I am with him always makes me feel so special <3

So there you have it, all the types of love in my life, and at least I left out all the other things that I love, such as dolphins, teacups, etc. I won't go into that, because then I'll be writing all day, which wouldn't be a lot of fun with all the stuff I have to do. But TGIF, I can't wait to have some time to catch up on sleep and do my work. I also need to get some Spring cleaning going, as my room has become ground zero :P 

And as always here's a picture, since I just love photography, and this one was taken by yours truly :) 

Until next time! (which hopefully won't be more than a day or so)

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