Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring Cleaning part 1

As I mentioned in my last post, I'm doing some organizing and rearranging in my room.  This is probably the worst condition it's ever been in, and there's the fact that I can't get work done or concentrate when my space is this cluttered.  While I've lived with the current setup I have for over a year, it hasn't been very convenient, since I can barely open my dresser drawers all the way, or get to the other side of my closet with the keyboard right there :\  It's time for change, and I can't wait to make it more manageable!

Now I'm no expert, but for anyone who might be doing this rearranging thing in the near future, I do have some steps you can follow :)

1.  Before you do anything, think of the way your room is put together, and then imagine how you want it to look instead.  Think of the most logical place for your desk, and make sure you can easily access your shelves or drawers and items you use on a daily basis.

2.  Once you've got an idea of how you want the setup, make sure you go through your clothes and papers, books, etc. to clean out any unwanted stuff, or just to reorganize them.  

3.  Then empty everything out of your dresser, desk (whichever you are moving) so it's not as heavy, and place the items in the closet for now or out in the hall so they are out of the way while you are changing things around.

4. When you have your furniture in it's new home, put all the items from before back to their rightful places, or the place they now should be.

There you have it, a basic idea that you can build on or just take into consideration.  While I've only done this once, the process has proven to be way more demanding this time.  I started today, but have only gotten through changing my summer and winter clothes ,  giving away clothes I don't wear/need anymore, and revamping my closet.  I have to get to my desk and shelves, etc. either later tonight or tomorrow morning.  Either way I need to make sure I finish by the end of the weekend.  Once my room is clean and spacious, I'll be able to get my work done at my desk and focus better :D

Hope the advice helped, and until next time!

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